Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio
10220 River Road Suite #4
Potomac, Maryland 20854
301-299-1700  *  Gary@PortraitPhotographer.com

Copyright 2019 all rights reserved
Family Portraits
There are special moments that are
important in every family.
The wedding is the first occasion that begins the development of the family.
The newborn.
A child before their appearance changes
when they lose their baby teeth.
The family as it changes with time.
An adolescent growing up to be an adult.
The graduating senior.
The first of many grandchildren.
All are moments that should be remembered with portrait art.
Allow Lloyd Meurer to create a family portrait
that will be part of the remembrance of your
family that will be cherished for years to come
Family Portraits
There are special moments that are
important in every family.
The wedding is the first occasion that begins the development of the family.
The newborn.
A child before their appearance changes
when they lose their baby teeth.
The family as it changes with time.
An adolescent growing up to be an adult.
The graduating senior.
The first of many grandchildren.
All are moments that should be remembered with portrait art.
Allow Lloyd Meurer to create a family portrait
that will be part of the remembrance of your
family that will be cherished for years to come.