Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio
10220 River Road Suite #4
Potomac, Maryland 20854
301-299-1700  *  Gary@PortraitPhotographer.com

Copyright 2019 all rights reserved

As a photographic artist Gary D. Lloyd of Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio has been part of the Washington, DC Metro Area for over 40 years. The studio has been in Potomac, MD for more than 20 years. We have maintained our position in the community by serving our customers and by our charitable giving. Over the years we have raised over $100,000 for area schools, organizations and other non-profit groups that help our community. We will continue this fund raising goal because we believe supporting the community is best for everyone. Feel free to contact the studio if you or your group could us our help in your next fund drive.

As a photographic artist Gary D. Lloyd of Lloyd Meurer Portrait Studio has been part of the Washington, DC Metro Area for over 40 years. The studio has been in Potomac, MD for more than 20 years. We have maintained our position in the community by serving our customers and by our charitable giving. Over the years we have raised over $100,000 for area schools, organizations and other non-profit groups that help our community. We will continue this fund raising goal because we believe supporting the community is best for everyone. Feel free to contact the studio if you or your group could us our help in your next fund drive.